2 min readJun 21, 2020


An Agent of Chaos

"Some men just want to watch the world burn." It’s a classic line from one of the Batman movies in reference to joker. Even though I have no desire to watch the world burn seeing that scene as a child, I knew where he was coming from. There is a point of some people’s life when they get sick of all the normal humdrum affairs, the proper way of going about things and the rules the powers at be put into place. There is a point when some wish to shatter that whole system and let who they wish to be run free.

"Why not" "Because it's insane" "What's wrong with some Insanity" "I am telling you, NO. DO NOT DO THIS!!!" "HAHAHAHAHAHA"

A friend told the a while back how special I am. He notices people feel at ease around me and how hey can be themselves. My reply to that wasn’t what he expected. "I guess you can say because I made peace with myself-what is acceptable by society and what isnt I mean- and in doing so I understand we are all in a sense twisted. It’s a good thing. My 'demons' and I are on are good terms now so how can I judge others?"

I often times wonder where the lines are. Where does intelligent cross over to be insanity. Where does being interested become flat out obsession. Is either of the two bad? If so what is bad? Who makes these rules...

You can say the day I started my journey to freedom is when I asked myslef these questions:

If enough people beileve in something does it make it real?

Do you honestly know why you do all the things you do? How much of it is preprogramming or childhood habits passed on from your elders?

If you started to question EVERYTHING you were ever told, seeing how things really are, would your entire world unravel?

Is that the reason you are afraid to do so?

